Google's Android mobile operating system has been reported to overtake Apple's IOS operating system as the most popular globally. Similarly, recent reports of mobile advertising agency, InMobi.

According to the report, the iPhone OS and Android are both grown significantly and continues to take market share at the global level. However, the growth of Android was much better and has exceeded the IOS, which runs on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
"Smartphone revolution continued in the second quarter of this year. Attendance Android smartphone encourage rapid growth in recent months due to deliver new options to consumers," stated officially by James Lamberti, vice president of global marketing research & InMobi, as quoted by Cellular News, Friday, April 15, 2011
"The increased attention and penetration of mobile phones by advertisers, publishers and developers has brought us to the next stage in evolution," he added.
In InMobi, mobile advertising impressions on average, grew 21 percent, in the period December 2011 to March 2011. This increase was strongly influenced by the rapid flow into the smartphone market, which amount is estimated to 2.8 million units during the same period.
Mobile phone manufacturers like Samsung, Apple, and HTC continue to erode the market leader, Nokia. However, Nokia is still the king of smartphones in the top position with 40 percent global market share. This is for the first time Nokia market share eroded sharply in history.
Nokia lost 3.9 share points in 90 days, when Samsung reap an additional 1.6 points, Apple is about 1.9 points, and HTC approximately 2.8 points.
Globally, 35 percent of total advertising on the mobile device appears on the screen smartphone. Here is a table of achievement mobile OS market share globally as of March 2011.
OS Impression Market Share Change Points
(the number of ads appear (globally)
on mobile phones)
Nokia OS 6.7 billion 21.2% -1.9
Symbian OS 6 billion 19% -1.7
Android 4.6 billion, 14.5% +4.9
iPhone OS 4.4 billion 13.8% +1.9
RIM OS 1.4 billion 4.5% +0.5
Other 8.5 billion 27% -3.8
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