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Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Android's polluted by 800 applications

CALIFORNIA - This was revealed by security firm that examines Dasient approximately 10 thousand applications for Android phones. They found that more than 8 percent of that application transmits user data to another computer.

Exactly, it's more than 800 applications Android contain malware that could leak personal data of its users.

Ilustrasi Aplikasi Android yang mengandung Malware
Android's polluted by 800 applications Android

Malware is designed to take control of your smartphone. For example, 11 of the application that contains malware known to send SMS automatically to all contacts on the phone like a spam email that takes over an account.

Dasient CTO Neil Daswani explained that the number of malware-infected applications to grow until doubled in the last two years. It could be that users are also inadvertently install malware on one of the sites they visit. Similarly, reported Yahoo News on Saturday (07/23/2011).

Mode of spread of malware is called 'Drive-By Download' because users do not download suspicious files on purpose. One example that ever happens is when an address tried to lure visitors to malicious websites by promoting the 'key' to the popular game Angry Birds.

Last month also emerged a malware that 'disguised' as an add-ons Angry Birds.

Lax regulation in the Android Market has been blamed for the rise of malware on the application.Developers did not have long to wait before their applications be approved as well as Apple's App Store is known to be very tight to do the selection. But finally the user is yanh must pay the price.

The discovery is expected to encourage Google to do a more rigorous selection in choosing the application in the Android Market. At least they should do a simple check to ensure that applications are free from malware.

In addition to personal data, Android applications are also frequently infected divulge the IMEI number or IMSI number. If this information falls into the wrong hands yanh, data on the SIM card can be easily copied or sold to illegal organizations that produce fake phones.

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