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Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

U.S. Council officially Restrict Internet for Kids

HOUSE of Representatives of the United States introduced the privacy of the internet, dubbed Do Not Track, Friday (13 / 5).

The move is aimed to limit the collection of personal information about minors, who used to use inetrnet from your desktop computer or smart phone.

Parliament will update the online privacy legislation, concerning the prohibition of marketing and collecting information on children and adolescents.

This is because of fears of increased Internet use in children and adolescents, with no protection. The reason anakp children and adolescents will be a target for others, be used to access personal information such as address, full name and location information collected through the GPS service.

Consumer Reports found the data that 7.5 million Facebook users under the age of 13 years. And 5 million were aged 10 years and even younger.

Recently the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a data protection authority, managed to solve the case of collection of personal data of children under age. The FTC sued Playdom, a subsidiary of Disney that collects personal information about minors without parental consent, amounting to U.S. $ 3 million.

This year Apple iTunes has changed the password policy, after the reports from parents and members of parliament, who says many teens so easily access the iTunes password, and purchase applications in bulk.

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