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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Earphone of a smartphone can disturb Hearing

What do you do if you are on the way? A long, long journey may be tedious, so that you are trying to find ways to eliminate the boredom. There are overcome by reading, talking, sleeping, or listening to music in your smartphone or iPod. The technology is now increasingly sophisticated, especially in the field of entertainment. If you want to listen to music, there is already a small tool that is easy to carry anywhere, ranging from mp3, mp4, mobile phone, until the ipod. You just attach the earphones or headphones into your ears, and you can select and listen to favorite songs.

Earphone of a smartphone can disturb Hearing

But did you know that the use of earphones or headphones are too long, especially coupled with the volume of the music tight, can cause deafness in your ear? the expert said that the use of an ipod and the like in excess can cause deafness.

There are cases where a person who listens to the ipod during the trip by plane, suffered hearing loss when he got it in their destination, with a degree of deafness 110 decibels (dB), our hearing is normal but less than 30 dB. Treatment can only restore his hearing to 55 dB, which is still included in the moderate-severe hearing loss, and could not return to normal hearing.

In addition to the use of excessive ipod, deafness can also be caused by noise in the mall. The expert said that the noise in the place of children's games at the mall is quite high at 90-95 dB. "This means that these children may only be in this place about 1-2 hours. More than that will happen fatigue cochlea (the cochlea) that can cause permanent hearing loss," .

Noisy traffic have also contributed to the cause of deafness. Traffic noise caused by large motor vehicles, not terawatnya machinery and motor vehicle exhaust, and frequent use of the horn. The intensity of sound generated from the traffic noise is about 80-88 dB, and this means the maximum a person should only be in this noise for 16-24 hours. People who are more at risk of traffic noise is the police and motorists.

In addition, the causes of deafness can also be derived from the use of electronic tools like a radio whose volume is too loud, lawnmower, blender, electric saws, machinery building, even the phone ringing. It all has the intensity of different sounds and different maximum usage.

If this time limit is exceeded, then the hearing aids (cochlear) and shakes her hair receiver will sound experience fatigue, damaged, and can not return to normal.

Besides being noisy, deafness can also be caused by aging (presbycusis), earwax (cerumen), and deaf from birth (congenital). Deaf since birth could occur due to easily get hard drugs during pregnancy, lack of knowledge and illnesses that occur during pregnancy, and so on.

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