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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

NSN Increases BTS in the interest of Larger Power Capacity

Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) extend the Radio Liquid architecture by launching his new radio module to power large family Multiradio Flexi Base Station at CommunicAsia 2011 in Singapore. It's explained by the NSN through official statement on Thursday (06/23/2011). Greater power output means this module offers greater coverage of GSM and 3G data capacity is higher at the edge of the cell, resulting in 40% greater performance. With this power module, the operator has the ability to improve the quality of their networks efficiently.

NSN Increases BTS in the interest of Larger Power Capacity

In addition, the ability of this new radio module can also allocate a carrier frequency in a wide frequency range 60MHz to reduce the size of the hardware per BTS site, so the installation can be made more flexible.

In mobile networks, radio module is part of the base stations that reinforce each radio signal emitted from the antenna before. Because it has a greater power output, this new module to improve the signal used to transmit voice or data to mobile users.

This will directly increase the amount of useful information that can be carried by the signal or the number of people who can get a connection from a BTS.

Furthermore, the radio module is also able to allocate a carrier in the range of 60MHz, which would be very useful for operators that separate frequency bands. This module supports a combination of GSM, 3G, LTE or LTE Advanced in one unit, thus significantly reducing the hardware units required by one site.

"Our new radio module is suitable for GSM frequency reuse for HSPA + and LTE services as well as network deployment together," said Thorsten Robrecht, head of product management Network Systems, Nokia Siemens Networks.

"More than that, we are the only vendor that combines the capacity to package the three remote radio head-or sectors in one single unit-sized 25-liter, thus offering a smooth evolution towards compact Multiradio sites with lower power consumption," Thorsten added.

NSN also claims that the radio module is the only one remote radio unit 3-sectors in the industry that can be placed near the antenna, so that a multi-radio building can be placed in confined spaces and sites, which can not be occupied by a traditional BTS.

The first frequency variants of this radio module, covering frequency bands 900, 900 J, 1800 and 2100 will be commercially available to be held in early 2012. Other variants will be launched in the first semestar 2012.

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