If you want to travel, do not forget to download a number of IPAD and iPhone applications related to travel.
Here are some iPhone applications iPad and useful for those who want to travel.
1) WorldMate
This application lets you check flight schedules and make hotel reservations. You also can synchronize all your travel schedule to the iPhone or IPAD, and share your calendar or plan your trip online WorldMate Live with colleagues.
Many of you know the benefits. For example, if your plane delayed, canceled, or diverted, WorldMate send a warning about this to the iPhone or your iPad. If you arrive at the destination, but can not find your vehicle or your hotel reservation is canceled, you can still find hundreds of other airlines, hotel chains and car rental agencies other.
In this application, you also can check the time in the goal area, also forecast the weather five days in the future in various locations, built-in calculator, tipping guide, and a world clock.
2) Footprint Travel Guide (Free)
If you are more likely to travel than business travel, consider downloading the application footprint. This application is to be your travel guide, providing a variety of information about best places to eat, sleep, and play. Also detailed information about places of contact, the load time, price, and opinions about those places.
3) Packing (+ To Do) ($ 0.99)
If we forgot to pack something, we feel upset. Application Packing (+ to do) will help you to remember what items need to be taken. This application has a feature that gives you an idea about the list of items you carry.
4) Lonely Planet Phrasebook
Do you want to enjoy night life in Rome or to communicate with clients in Tokyo? Lonely Planet Phrasebook application available on the iPhone reliable or iPad in 31 languages, including phonetic pronunciation assistance, audio translation, local text. Also more than 600 phrases that cover everything needed from the reservation to have a drink. There are no roaming charges for these applications work offline.
5) What's The Rate?
This is not a currency converter application is normal. What's The Rate gave tukarlebih value trend information from 80 foreign currencies. You not only feel better about how your money is spent abroad, but you also get the latest information exchange foreign currency wherever you go.
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